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Adoption Room

Welcome, come on in!

You are in the adoption room, where you can find all the informations about the available babies.

Please, don't be shy, look around, and if you are interested feel free to ask questions.

(You can contact me at and pay the adoption fees at the Paypal account



And now, without further ado.... the babies!!!

My Sculpts For Sale 

This folder is dedicated to my sculpts that are for sale. 

This is a unique glimpse into my imagination and new pieces will be added over time. 

I've always sculpted for myself, behind closed doors. Now it's the time to share my inner world with others. 

My works space from quite big to very small, and all bring out a still moment in time, from the memories of my ancestors to colorful people I met or even just glimpsed by. 

I believe there's magic in the world and this is my personal space to show it to you all. 

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